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Additive Manufacturing Is Emerging From Prototypes


The United States currently leads the world in terms of AM product value but will be passed by China in 2029 under present conditions. Additive manufacturing brings production closer to the places where products are sold and used. 3D printing has the potential to change the manufacturing world as we know it.

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[INFOGRAPHIC] AI Technologies: The Role of Humans & The Application in Logistics


The data from this global virtual item master takes another step in its evolutionary journey and is refined using an online, cloud-based platform with user tools that automatically present the normalized data obtained from all sources, both internal and external, in natural English.

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6 Types of Automation [Benefits, Pros/Cons, Examples]


The industrial automation market grew globally, reaching $191 billion in 2021 , and is expected to reach $395 billion by 2029. Automation is present in factories, warehouses, modern businesses, schools, hospitals, and homes of all sizes, among other areas, to streamline operations and increase efficiency. How Is Automation Used Today?